Thứ Năm, 3 tháng 11, 2016

Why Are Elephant Ears So Big?

Summer | 20:21

Why are elephant ears so big? Looking for the best explaination? You're at the right place, we round up and give answer for all of random facts throughout the world.

Elephants have big ears to help radiate heat and keep them cool. When elephants flap their wet ears, they cool the blood flowing through the numerous blood vessels in their ears. This helps cool their large bodies.

Most people know that wooly mammoths, who lived in colder areas before they went extinct, looked like hairy elephants. But there’s one major difference: wooly mammoths had much smaller ears. So this tells us that the hot climate elephants live in is responsible for their massive ears.
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Elephant ears are one sixth the size of an elephant’s body. That means if you were an elephant, your ears would be the size of your whole head. And they’re important because the bigger you are, the harder it is for you to cool down. Elephants are very big, so living in hot dry climates could be very dangerous for them without some way of cooling off quickly.

That’s where their ears come in. Elephants use their ears like fans to help create breezes, but their ears do more than that. Those big ears are just full of blood vessels. Warm blood from deep within the elephant’s body flows to the ears, where the blood vessels are very close to the skin and lose heat very easily. Elephants will even spray their ears with water to help them lose heat faster. This works so well that blood leaving an elephant’s ear is 9ºC cooler than it was when it entered the ear. An elephant’s ears are its air conditioning! 

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Thứ Năm, 29 tháng 9, 2016

How can Giraffes live longevity?

Summer | 00:18
How can Giraffes live longevity? We will answer you this animal facts and give some funny images to help you easier when getting the information.

Likelihood of Living to Adulthood

In most cases, giraffes are very social animals. A herd of about 40 giraffes is mostly composed of females and calves with several bulls, or male giraffes mixed in. The young male giraffes move together with the older males and are more solitary and love to live alone.

While in captivity, a giraffe can live for about 28 years or even longer. Many giraffes do not make it into adulthood because more than half of all calves are killed by hyenas, lions, and other predators within the first year after birth.

Protective Features

Giraffes have different features that help them stay safe from predators. For one thing, they are fast, tall, and very strong. This means that it does not have many enemies. The major predators of the giraffe are hyenas, Nile crocodiles, and lions.

With the help of its speed, a baby giraffe is able to get away from such predators. A giraffe can run close to 30 mph and this makes it easier to escape its enemies. However, the giraffe can only keep up with this speed for a short distance. Once it gets tired, a lion can try to knock it down by taking out its long legs.

Another great feature that helps the giraffe survive in the wild is its long neck. The long neck provides the giraffe with a good view of the terrain and therefore it can spot lions and hyenas at a distance. The giraffe is also very powerful. With just one swift kick, it can crush the spine or skull of any attacking lion.

Risk of Endangerment

Although giraffes may seem as though they are at a low risk of becoming endangered, some species are shrinking in number. The Uganda giraffes, for example, are becoming smaller in number. Only 445 giraffes live in the wild. This is because they are hunted for meat and habitat destruction is also becoming a threat.

Thứ Ba, 27 tháng 9, 2016

What do giraffes eat and drink

Summer | 01:17
Giraffe are browsers and mainly eat leaves and buds on trees and shrubs. They will also eat herbs, climbers and vines, and prefer flowers and fruit when in season.
Giraffes live in habitats where the available food varies throughout the year. During the dry season, giraffes eat evergreen leaves, however, once the rainy season begins, they switch to new leaves and stems that sprout on deciduous trees. Also, twigs and branches are pulled into the mouth of the giraffe with their long and dextrous tongues. In the wild giraffes can eat up to 66 kilograms of food daily.
Funny pics of Giraffes

When there is a choice, male, female, baby giraffe feed in different ways. Males concentrate on leaves from the highest branches, while the females arch their necks to eat closer to the ground. Because of this characteristic behaviour, a giraffe can be identified as either male or female from a long distance away simply by its stance while eating. Male giraffes are also more inclined to wander into dense woodland, a habitat that females generally avoid.
Giraffes drink large quantities of water and as a result, they can spend long periods of time in dry, arid areas. When searching for more food they will venture into areas with denser foliage. The giraffe has tough lips to ensure there is no damage to their mouths when chewing at trees and twigs such as thorns.
Giraffes in captivity are generally fed on alfalfa hay and pellets, apples, carrots, bananas and browse (elm and alder are favourites).
Source factoflife

Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 9, 2016


Summer | 21:38
Get some news and reviews
While the whole point of Pokémon Go is to get off your ass and endeavor to, as they say, catch 'em all, it turns out you need only one particular Pokémon to easily dominate the game's Gyms: Vaporeon. Look around your neighborhood and you'll find dozens of Gyms defended by Vaporeons, countless other trainers with at least one Vaporeon, and perhaps even a stampede of people attempting to catch a wild Vaporeon. They're everywhere -- and for good reason. 

The apparent proliferation of Vaporeons is likely due to how ridiculously easy it is to attain them. All you have to do is evolve an Eevee, which requires just 25 Eevee Candy, and utilize a widely known Easter Egg to ensure you end up with a Vaporeon instead of the two other 'Eeveelutions,' Jolteon and Flareon. Combine this with Vaporeon's place as the 13th most powerful Pokémon in the entire game, and it suddenly makes perfect sense why everyone's got one and why you probably want one so badly now.

The Vaporeon advantage has even become a bit of running joke among some players:
Other players, however, are calling on the company behind the game, Niantic Labs, to release an update in which Vaporeon is less powerful and effective in Pokémon battles, or as they say in gamer parlance, "nerf" it. A growing Reddit thread thoroughly details the issue:

Should Vaporeon be nerfed? How? from TheSilphRoad

As many commenters explain, the problem boils down to how easy it is to get a Vaporeon, its unusually high base stats, and most importantly, the potentially unmatched combination of speed and damage of its standard Water Gun attack. Specifically, Water Gun can be used twice per second and inflicts 10 damage. Meanwhile, the electric Pokémon that are traditionally good against Water types are saddled with a Thunder Shock attack that you'd think would be equally effective, but is actually slower and only does 5 damage, according to a report by Kotaku.

The Kotaku report goes on to explain how this translates in battle: "... Vaporeon’s edge lies mainly in its high damage per second output, as well as its ability to take a hit thanks to high stamina. And given that 'super effective' moves only do 1.2 times damage instead of the typical 2x in the main games, even monsters that are supposed to wreck Vaporeon don’t really pose much of a threat." Well, damn.
So... how the hell can you beat a Vaporeon?

Let's just say it's not going to be easy. Remember, Vaporeon is the 13th most powerful Pokémon in the game, which means there are 12 others that are potentially strong enough and suited to defeat it. The only problem is, unlike Vaporeon, these 12 Pokémon are either difficult to attain or -- in the case of Mew, Mewtwo, and the three Legendary Birds -- so rare that they haven't even appeared in the game yet. However, some players suggest relatively rare Pokémon like Snorlax or Lapras as your best bet.

Some have also suggested using strong Grass types, like Victreebell. We've also heard of cases in which a Venusaur smacked down a Vaporeon with its Solar Beam attack, so it's probably not impossible to beat them by other means if your Pokémon of choice is similarly powerful. One thing is certain, though: you'll never find out if you don't try. Good luck.
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Thứ Sáu, 12 tháng 8, 2016

How Old is the Sun? Amazing Sun Facts for Kids

Summer | 21:23
  • The sun is actually a star.
  • The sun is around 4.6 billion years old.
  • The sun is a giant ball of burning gasses. Made up of more than 90% of the element hydrogen and 7% of the element helium. It also contains very small amounts of oxygen, carbon, iron and neon.

  • The sun is found in the center of our Solar System.
  • Earth is one of the 8 planets that orbit the sun. The planets in order from the sun are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Pluto is no longer considered a planet.
  • The sun is extremely hot. Its surface is about 10,000 degrees F, 5,500 C. At its core the sun can reach 28 million degrees F.
  • The sun is made up of 6 layers:
    • Core- Center the sun. Where the sun’s energy is made. The core is also the hottest part of the sun.
    • Radiative Zone – The layer around the core.
    • Connective Zone- The later around the Radiative Zone.
    • Photosphere- The surface of the sun.
    • Chromosphere- The layer above the sun’s surface.
    • Corona- The most outer layer.
  • The sun is very big. It is about 865,000 in diameter (around).
  • The sun is so big that 1 million Earths can fit inside it!
  • The sun is 92 million miles away from the Earth.
  • The sun gives light and heat to Earth.
  • Without the sun there would not be life on Earth.
  • It takes about 8 minutes for the light from the sun to reach the Earth.
  • It takes Earth 365 days or 1 year to orbit the sun.
  • When the moon comes between the sun and the Earth is it called a solar eclipse.
  • Many ancient civilizations worshiped the sun. Here is a list of names of some Sun Gods and Goddesses.
    • Azteec – Huitzilopochtli- God
    • Egypt – Re or Ra- God
    • Greek – Helios – God
    • Inca – Inti – God
    • Japan- Amaterasu –Goddess
    • Mesopotamia – Utu or Shamash -God
    • Norse – Sol Sunna -Goddess
o   Roman – Sol -God
Try This! To find out how much you would weigh on the sun multiply your current weight by the number 27. Example if you weighed 110 pounds on Earth you would weigh 2,970 on the sun!

Thứ Năm, 4 tháng 8, 2016

8 interesting things you may not know about the brain

Summer | 01:03

The brain is always one of the mysteries, the most fascinating and complex exist in the universe. Until now, scientists have made strides in understanding the principles of brain activity, but still a lot of mystery about the control center of this amazing.

The brain has the ability to create consciousness and memory, which allows us to think, create, learn, control emotions and body functions.

The brain is always one of the mysteries, the most fascinating and complex exists in the universe

The brain does not feel pain

Although your brain is the main tool that the body uses to detect and react to pain, but in itself does not have pain receptors. This is why doctors performed brain surgery on a patient in a state of alertness. This helps them avoid critical areas causing brain damage.

So why do you still feel a headache? When people headaches, pain is actually the result of pressure on the blood vessels or nerve tissue around the brain, not the brain itself.

The doctor who performed brain surgery on a patient in a state of alertness.

When awake, the brain generate enough electricity to power a light bulb low

The brain contains about 90 billion nerve cells, continuous operation. When all the nerve cells together can generate enough power for a light bulb.

Brain more powerful supercomputers

If the human brain is a computer, it can perform billions of calculations per second 38,000 and approximately 3,584 terabytes of storage memory. Meanwhile, one of the most powerful supercomputers in the world - BlueGene - have the ability to calculate 92,000 billion operations per second and only 8 terabytes of storage. 
The brain can perform 38,000 trillion calculations per second

Divide the left brain / right still unknown

There are many concepts that are often left brain dominant people develop the ability to analyze and logically; right brain dominant people are likely to develop creativity and art. However, this claim has no basis. In fact, all activities are required connectivity between all regions brain.

Nerve cells transmit information to the brain at the speed of 241 km / h

When you touch a hot object, the nerve cells in the skin feeling transmit information to the brain and spinal cord at speeds over 241 km / h. Upon receiving the information, the brain transmits information back through motor nerve cells, to your hand to pull it away from hot objects. Motor neurons transmit information at speeds of over 322 km per hour.

The nerve cells in the skin feeling transmit information to the brain and spinal cord at speeds over 241 km / h.

When you learn something new, your brain structure changes

When you learn and practice an activity such as swimming or cycling, your brain messages transmitted repeated along certain pathways, this creates new connections. Your brain structure changes each time you learn something new, new thinking or new memories.

Cấu trúc não bạn thay đổi mỗi khi bạn học điều mới
Your brain structure changes each time you learn something new

Lack of oxygen for 5-10 minutes, permanent damage brain

After 5-10 minutes to lack of oxygen, you have the possibility of serious brain damage and incurable. Brain damage occurs after 4 minutes without breathing, then the brain cells begin to die. After 15 minutes of oxygen deprivation, life almost impossible.

Não là bộ phận chứa nhiều chất béo nhất trong cơ thể.
The brain is the part that contains the most fat in the body.

60% of the brain is fat

The brain is the part that contains the most fat in the body. Fatty acids decisions ability of the brain. To achieve optimum performance, you need to maintain a certain level of fat, if the body does not fall into the risk of high neurological disorders.

Learn interesting things about Mount Everest

Summer | 00:50
Name of the roof of the world is placed under house surveyor George Everest study, people who had never set foot here, and its height is determined by the operation.
The interesting thing about Everest
Everest 8,848 m altitude, 10 times more than the world's tallest building Burj Khalifa (829 meters). This height is reduced due to the earthquake as in Nepal last April.

Everest summit is set in 1856, after a study surveyor George Everest, who have never even set foot in the roof of the world.

Radhanath Sikdar, Indian mathematician, was the first to determine the height of Mount Everest by the operations. The first number is the 8839 meters he launched, then Sikdar adjusted to 8849 m.
Tìm hiểu những điều thú vị về đỉnh Everest

Buddhist memorial flags hanging souls saved on the road to the top of Everest. According to the statistics to mid-2011, more than 200 bodies have saved on the road to Mount Everest, climbers and considered as the milestone to estimate the distance to the summit. (Photo: CBC)

1974 is the only year without participating climbers to conquer Everest.

Reinhold Messner was the first to climb Everest without oxygen tanks used to in 1978, with Peter Habeler companion.

In 1990, Edmund Hillary and Peter Hillary as the first father and son to conquer this mountain.

Davorin Karnicar who each ski from the top of the mountain down to Base Camp campsite located alongside the south of the Himalayas.

Snowstorm disaster on Everest has claimed the lives of 15 people in the 1996 climbing season, one of the darkest years in the history of world conquest rooftops.

The oldest person to climb the mountain each Yuichiro Miura is he coming from Japan. He climbed Mount Everest in 2010 when 80 years old.

The youngest boy ever to participate journey up Everest was Jordan Romero, an American. He was only 13 years old when making his trip in 2010.

Moni Mule Pati and Pem Dorjee Sherpa is a Nepalese couple held the wedding on the summit of Everest in 2004.
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